Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Summer Bonsai Care

Summer seems to finally be here and now is the time to start moving all your bonsai outside.

So, everyone keeps telling you to put your bonsai & other trees outside. The reason is that the plants just grow better outside. You will have to watch them a little bit so that You can get used to them being out there.

Things to watch out for:
- Too much sunlight. Indoor plants can get sun-burnt.
- Too much water. You still have to watch out for this.
- Not little water. You can't just trust that it will rain when ever the plants need it.
- Squires, chipmunks, deer or other animals that might think your plants are toys.
- Small children. Sometimes they just want to help. Make sure they know when they can and can't help.
- Over feeding/fertilizing. This can burn the roots and cause a tree to grow really long and thin branches.

This is probably when you will be most tempted to over work your trees. You can cause a tree to burn itself out from having to keep re-growing leafs and branches. Some types of trees handle this better then others, but it's still not a good thing to do.

Also, watch out for wind storms. If you can't strap down your smaller trees then you will want to take them inside for a bit. Unless you would rather risk the tree blowing away or the pot getting smashed from falling off the work bench.

Happy working and don't forget the sunblock.

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